Hero Cover

Visselblåsarkanal Quinyx

We aim to do the right thing

Quinyx strives for good and ethical ways of working. That's why we want to create security by handling any mishaps seriously. Our business is built by trust and care, and therefore we take care of everyone's well-being inside and outside of our business.

This whistleblowing channel

Quinyx Whistleblowing channel is provided by an external partner, WhistleSecure, to ensure the highest information security and anonymity guarantees (for more information, see www.whistlesecure.com). Through this whistleblowing channel, we provide an easily accessible opportunity to report suspicions of serious misconduct within Quinyx. Our whistleblower channel can be used in case of suspicion e.g., early warning, but also if something already has happened, is happening right now or if something is at risk of happening. When you report in writing you can choose to be an anonymous whistleblower but in the case of an oral report or a meeting request, you are not anonymous. Please bear in mind that general complaints are not considered as whistleblowing and should be addressed to your contact person at Quinyx. Quinyx work-related issues and complaints shall be addressed to your immediate supervisor or HR.

I have submitted a report, what will happen next?

When you submit a report, audio recording or meeting request, we must, by law, confirm that we have received your report. As soon as we have reviewed your report, we will revert to you about the next step in the process. All cases are handled by our independent whistleblowing team where shareholders/investors, CEO or the highest decision-makers are not included.

Hur fungerar det?

För att visselblåsa kan du använda denna kanal om du vill rapportera skriftligt. Välj anonym tvåvägskommunikation för att vara anonym, eller boka ett möte för att personligen framföra en visselblåsning.